Their mission is to ensure that the brave men and women in combat remain the best-protected in the world.
#Point blank vest iso
The company is ISO 9001-2000 certified and strives to deliver modular and innovate body armor systems. While Point Blank typically focuses on creating concealable body armor for law enforcement, PARACLETE functions as the tactical arm of the corporation. Through the years, PARACLETE grew bigger and bigger, until Point Blank Enterprises eventually acquired the company. When the global war on terror was initiated, they rapidly supplied troops that were going overseas with custom gear for specific operations. The company was founded about 30 years ago as a niche shop for US military, primarily special operations. Haynes, Director of Product and Brand Development at Point Blank Enterprises. PARACLETE’s clients include top-tier tactical teams in law enforcement and SWAT teams in many major cities. PARACLETE is a part of the Point Blank Enterprises corporation and specializes in delivering advanced tactical body armor solutions. Armed Forces, Department of Defense, Federal Government and law enforcement, corrections and security personnel, both domestically and abroad.The Origin system is a brand-new tactical vest by PARACLETE which was first released at Shot Show 2022. The Company’s ballistic solutions have been credited with saving countless lives for the most important customers in the world, including the U.S. Through its key brands, Point Blank Body Armor, Protective Apparel Corporation of America (PACA), Protective Products, PARACLETE ®, The Protective Group (TPG), Advanced Technology Group (ATG), First Tactical, and Gould & Goodrich (G&G), the Company ranks as the largest global supplier of ballistic armor systems and systems integrator in the world. (“PBEI”) is a leading provider of high performance protective solutions, including bullet, fragmentation, and stab resistant apparel and related accessories. Over 200 law enforcement officers have been shot this year and we have had a record number of Saves, providing a daily reminder why our commitment to protect our first responders is so important.” Point Blank Enterprises CEO Daniel Gaston stated, “We are honored to provide personal protection equipment to the Officers of New York City Police Department and over half the other law enforcement agencies in America today.
#Point blank vest series
The Point Blank Alpha Elite series is the most popular model of body armor worn by law enforcement in the country today, including Los Angeles, Miami-Dade, Orlando, San Antonio Police Department’s just to name a few in addition to several Federal law enforcement agencies. New York City Police Department is the largest police department in the world and Point Blank Enterprises has been the contract vendor for concealable and tactical body armor to the New York Police Department since Jand has supplied over 50,000 vests. The body armor credited with the Save is the Alpha Elite series AXIIIA manufactured by Point Blank and issued to Officer Wintermute on November 16, 2017.

Officer Wintermute was treated and released. Officer Wintermute was shot in the chest and was saved by his body armor produced by Point Blank Enterprises. 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - New York City Police Officer Christopher Wintermute responded to a call reference a man acting suspiciously and armed shortly after midnight on October 23 rd, 2019.