
Space chef caisar anime
Space chef caisar anime

space chef caisar anime

  • Berserk Button: If you mess with anyone Ken is trying to protect or hurt anyone on his team Ken will destroy you and the "world" you live in.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: When Ken puts on his suit it means serious business and almost always a serious ass-kicking.
  • Badass: Everything Ken does from beating down whole gangs on his own to having so much charisma that not even his enemies can help but respect and look up to him.
  • He delivers these two flavors in Sun Ken Rock, there are quite some notorious Mood Whiplashes to be seen here, dramatic events followed by comedy, and vice-versa.
  • Author Appeal: Boichi seems to love writing drama and wacky humor, he is well known for writing great dramatic One-Shots just as he is known for writing some great Ecchi humor.
  • Art Shift: The comedy sections almost seem like they come from a different manga when compared to the rest of the manga.

    Art Evolution: The art in the beginning volumes was pretty good to great but as the series progressed the artwork has become some of the best you'll ever see in a manga as the style has been polished tremendously.The series contains good artwork that becomes amazing, plenty of crowning moments of all variety, great story, and is all too addicting. This is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Boichi and there are currently over 91 chapters translated. Ken now finds himself fighting local gang bosses, protecting the ones he cares for and making sure Yumin never finds out, otherwise he loses the girl he loves and gets arrested.

    space chef caisar anime

    One day, after helping out an old store owner getting extorted from a local gang, Ken is then made the boss of a small gang by a man named Tae-Soo. Unsurprisingly as a high school dropout he doesn't get the job and ends up slumming it in Korea. Ken decides to drop out of high school, and flies to Korea in order to become an officer himself. When Ken finally confessed his love Yumin turned him down with the reason that she plans on moving to Korea and becoming a police officer. Then he met Yumin, the only person left in his life that he cared for. He became imbroiled in a world of voilence constantly fighting one group of thugs to the next. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Īfter his parents death at 16, Ken lost everything.

    space chef caisar anime

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    Space chef caisar anime